Law Affinity: DC - Networking Gathering with Special Guest Speaker Irv Nathan, A&S 1964 - SOLD OUT

JHU Law Affinity: DC
During his career, Irvin B. Nathan, A&S 1964, has been a “go-to” lawyer for a variety of clients involved with actual or alleged wrongdoing of many types. He has been a white collar defense attorney, Deputy Assistant Attorney General during Abscam (may be of particular interest to American Hustle movie fans!), general counsel to the U.S. House of Representatives and is currently the Attorney General of the District of Columbia ("serving as Attorney General of a Federal City-State") and an expert on professional responsibility for lawyers. Irv has many stories to tell and much wisdom to impart.
Join attorneys David Yaffe, A&S 1974, Arthur Luk, A&S 2010, and other fellow Johns Hopkins alumni for a fascinating discussion and alumni networking opportunity hosted by the JHU Law Affinity in Washington, DC. Refreshments will be provided.
Irvin B. Nathan - biography
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